Monday, March 9, 2009


Hello friends!
Welcome to my travel blog, which I have appropriately (I think) named "It's All Relative" because I thought about how true those words are in life, and I think it will be an important phrase to remember while I'm traveling around Asia for a bit. I think when you are in a forgein country where you don't speak the language and are a little unsure of yourself, it is important not to judge, and especially important not to compare different cultures, and appreciate each for what it is it.

Well I leave for Hawaii in 15 days from today, and am getting SO excited to start this adventure! I feel like I have been planning on it for over a year now, and I'm so close it's actually going to happen. I hope that I will be able to blog about my daily activities volunteering with the Street Educators Program, and just any fun stuff that happens to me along the way. I hope I can keep this up to date while I'm away. Feel free to comment on any of these blogs, it can be our little way of communicating!


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